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Christ has done the Impossible

Lent starts on Ash Wednesday 40 days before Easter. It is a season for special devotion, self-denial, and humble repentance meant to direct our attention to the holy sufferings and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many modern Christian churches don’t observe Lent, and I think that is a shame. Maybe it's because Lent is not a happy season. It is focusing on the core belief of Christianity. It is focusing on the brutal death of an innocent man. It is focusing on how unworthy we are of His sacrifice. Personally, I always learn and grow the most during Lent. I am reminded of how sinful I am, but most importantly I’m reminded of how loving my God is.

Traditionally in the Christian church lent was also a time for fasting. This was based on Christ’s 40 days in the desert of praying and fasting while also being tempted by the devil. Christians today use fasting as a way of finding blessing and spiritual benefit in purposeful self-denial. The lenten tradition of fasting has been changed throughout the years and now many people give up certain types of foods or activities during lent as a way to practice self-denial and remembrance of Christ’s coming sacrifice.

I have given up social media for Lent the past few years. I try to use Lent as a time to refocus my priorities; to remind myself that this world is temporary, but Christ’s sacrifice is eternal. It's a time to keep the focus of our lives on Jesus, our Lord, and to learn more of Him and His loving plan of salvation for us. I gave up food for a while but I think in my life giving up social media allows me to have extra time to really focus on the meaning of Easter. I will admit I don’t use the time as well as I could. However, giving up social media is almost like isolating yourself from life. Friends don’t communicate with you as much because its not as convenient for them. You realize how little you talk to your friends and family when sitting together because everyone else is on their phone. You have no idea what is going on with celebrities, sports, or politics. And yet, by the way people react you would think that I was the one up on that cross. People say “Oh I could never do that!” “That is way too hard”. But it’s really not! Think about it. I am giving something up for 40 days out of the year. Social media is not something that really benefits me. It’s not something that adds a lot of value to my life. Sure it helps me communicate and relate, but there are plenty other ways i can do that. You know what is “too hard” and something that I would never want to do? Dying a brutal death on the cross for a bunch of people who don’t recognize the sacrifice for what it is!

1 John 2:2

He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.

But that's the thing. Christ DID! He knew why He was on this earth. God told us of Christ’s sacrifice in the Garden of Eden! And the thing is, Christ really didn’t have to do it. He could have said, “It's too hard. I could never do that!” But He didn’t. He knew we wouldn’t appreciate His sacrifice like we should. He knew we would mess up again and again. He knew we would yell at him and neglect him and curse his name, but He still went through with it. He didn’t yell. He didn’t even fight when they accused him of things he never did! Why? Because that's how much He loves us.

Something I learned during this lenten season is this: God can do the impossible. We say that all the time right? When someone we love is sick or we didn’t study for the test but pray we can still get an A. We can’t do the impossible; that's what the word itself means. We can’t grow new limbs, walk on water, or raise the dead. But Christ can and He did! We CAN NOT save ourselves, but God, in His love and mercy, did! HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD! I can’t do that and I know you can’t either. Not only did he raise himself from the dead, but He will raise all believers from the dead into everlasting life. He HAS DONE the impossible.

Luke 18:27 Jesus replied, "What is impossible with man is possible with God."

Easter is a day worth taking the time to remember. It is worth being humbled for. It is worth looking forward to, but not only the day we celebrate as Easter. Christ’s sacrifice and his resurrection should be celebrated every single day of the year. Not only that, but his sacrifice and resurrection, His defeat over sin, death, and the devil will be celebrated every day in eternity as well. Where we will appreciate His sacrifice like we should. Where we will spend forever praising his name for something we could never have done ourselves. Where we will be thankful that God is in control and that He did the impossible because of His never ending love for us!

John 3:16-17

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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